Connecting the World Through Gaming: David Guo's Evony: The King's Return

David Guo, CEO of Top Games Inc., believes that games should be entertaining while providing a wholesome experience for players.


Florence Jenkins

2/21/20231 min read

Evony: The King's Return is more than just a mobile game; it's a platform for creating new connections and friendships worldwide. The game combines civilization-building and puzzle-solving with an innovative player vs. player battle system that allows players to chat with others from around the world.

With seven different civilizations to choose from, including American, Chinese, European, Russian, Korean, Arabian, and Japanese, players can select a role such as a diplomat, a governor, or a warlord to build alliances and view real-time battle sequences. Throughout gameplay, famous figures like George Washington, King Arthur, Charles the Great, Julius Caesar, and Genghis Khan make appearances, adding to the game's rich diversity and cultural inclusivity.

David Guo, CEO of Top Games Inc., believes that games should be entertaining while providing a wholesome experience for players. "Our titles deliver what they promise, play no tricks on players, and provide a truly immersive RPG gaming experience," he says.

The game has even led to unexpected love connections. Ciara, a player from Utah, made lasting friendships through Evony's chat system and player vs. player battles. One New Year's Eve chat with a player from Pennsylvania changed her life forever. After exchanging phone numbers and talking and texting for months, they decided to meet in person. Ciara's new friend flew to Utah, and the two hit it off so well that they ended up getting married, turning their shared love of Evony: The King's Return into a lifelong relationship.

David's enthusiasm for gaming is infectious and sets him apart from his peers. He led the development team in the creation of the hit game Evony, where he emphasized user-oriented design and improved user experience. He also prioritized team execution efficiency throughout the development process.

"At Top Games Inc., we put user experience and satisfaction first, believing that the key to success in the gaming industry is creating games that players love, not just games that designers love."